• @jballs
    411 month ago

    13."The working class being gaslit by the 1% to blame the rest of the working class for all of their problems. The amount of people I see thinking their tax dollars are paying for student loan forgiveness, social security, WIC, Medicaid, or welfare is just so ridiculous. You can literally look up exactly where your tax dollars are going. It’s not ‘fake news;’ it’s readily available.

    This one drives so many of the other problems. I constantly hear (mostly from my conservative neighbors) about how we shouldn’t be spending so much of our tax dollars on various programs. One of my neighbors was recently complaining about paying for school bus drivers.

    Here’s a chart showing where your taxes go.

    • @Kecessa
      311 month ago

      Wanna know what’s the most ridiculous about it? That chunk going towards healthcare is for a minority of the population. The US ends up paying more per capita than any other country to cover a minority!