• @WolfLink
    72 months ago

    Hard disagree. I neither like dunking on or being dunked on. The best games are when it’s a close match, and you know you played well but the other team did too.

    • @Cyberspark
      42 months ago

      The key issue that’s hard to address is making a hard fought loss feel more valuable than any other loss and not worse than any other fight.

      Some games a hard fought fight can look like rushing to the point, getting a kill and a trade and then spectating either the rest of the match or the 20s respawn timer before making the 30s run back to the point, rinse and repeat. This might mean you’re “playing” for less that you 10% of the time you actually spend in the match.

      • @WolfLink
        12 months ago

        That has more to do with game design than matchmaking, but yes, it’s hard to balance games so that dying has consequence but isn’t too un-fun.

        • @Cyberspark
          12 months ago

          It is, but it’s critical to causing the goal of SBMM being desirable on both ends