The Jackbox Megapicker was corrupting SteamOS and forcing people to reinstall the entire OS. It’s been fixed with a hot fix for now, but probably safest to avoid it until they get this all sorted out.

  • @CaptDust
    122 months ago

    I really hope we get more details, how can a user space application brick an immutable OS? That’s crazy.

    • Skull giver
      92 months ago

      The system itself is immutable, but the configuration and data isn’t. If it crashes the Steam UI by some kind of data corruption issue that isn’t handled well, you can still end up with a malfunctioning device. Reinstalling the OS probably isn’t necessary, but it’s a lot easier than flashing Linux to a boot drive and manually browsing through the files to get rid of the broken entry.

      • @CaptDust
        2 months ago

        Ah… so I guess the gamescope session would fail bc steam fails, and leave the user no way to change to desktop/plasma session. And yeah, steam configs would be accessible in user space as it’s not system level. Yikes all around.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      The problem is that SteamOS doesn’t have a whole lot of boot options besides “start up directly into Game Mode successfully”. If Steam chokes while ingesting any of its config or any metadata in your library, that’s the end of it. You can hold a button to wipe everything (the Playstation solution), or you can figure out how to boot a live-iso and fix “the problem”. Not everybody has the skills to fix stuff in Linux, heck not everybody has the ability to “boot up from a usb stick and have a working keyboard, using only one USB hole”.