• @Peruvian_Skies
        11 month ago

        You’re the one seething because you can’t accept that Venezuelans have had enough of authoritarianism and death squads. You want everyone in the world to be like you so that maybe you’ll hate yourself less. It won’t work.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          11 month ago

          I have nothing to seethe about because people of Venezuela just elected a socialist government, and chuds like you now have to cope with that. That’s right, I want a dictatorship of the working class so scumbags like you can be put in their place.

          • @Peruvian_Skies
            11 month ago

            If you really think Madiro was elected democratically, you’re delusional. The country is drowning in riots. Then again, I should have expected you to be delusional since you’re a communist. They go hand in hand.

              • @Peruvian_Skies
                11 month ago

                Well, keep on masturbating to the idea of the Rapture… Sorry, I mean the Revolution. Totally different, right?

                  • @Peruvian_Skies
                    11 month ago

                    The world IS changing. The USSR fell and dictatorships like the ones you worship are slowly coming to an end, one by one. Even though you hate freedom and oersonal accountability, both are becoming the norm and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. So go ahead and fantasize about sending me to the gulags while you beat your butler. I’ll be out here in the real world living my life withiut even remembering that you and your fake passport exist.