A 700,000-year-old humerus suggests small hominins have a long history on Flores.

  • Flying Squid
    1 month ago

    It’s amazing to think that at one time, there were at least four species of human on this Earth at once- us, Neanderthals, Denisovans, and Homo Floresiensis.

    Also, please don’t make me sad with a ‘humerus’ pun. The world is already depressing.

    Edit: Also, this is essentially true, but silly-

    There’s no indication that any species that came before modern humans had developed boating technology

    Yes, because they would almost certainly be made out of something that would have biodegraded by now unless archaeologists make an extremely lucky find. That doesn’t mean they couldn’t have built, at the very least, simple rafts. They were already advanced tool users.

    We know now that Homo Heidelbergensis, or a similar species, was already constructing with wood over 400,000 years ago.
