• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    11 month ago

    There’s just one problem with your dumb fuck logic there which that GDP growth restarted despite the sanctions in 2020. In a few years Venezuela will be completely independent of the US dollar and with a complete industry of its own. chart showing the collapse of GDP after sanctions, and the economy stabilizing after 2020

    Can’t wait to see what next imbecilic argument you’re going to attempt.

    • @Peruvian_Skies
      11 month ago

      Bro, seriously. I oersonally know Venezuelans with a higher education - one lawyer and one engineer - who emigrated to Peru to work as a maid and as a bartender so that they could send money back to their families. GDP means nothing if the people don’t get to share in the wealth. In Venezuela, only the top government and army officials live above the poverty line. This isn’t your stupid little Marxist theory written by people who never actually read Marx. This is real people starving and being miserable because of Communism. How can you not understand that? Or maybe yku do and yku just don’t care. Fuck everyone else as long as you can play the part of revolutionary hero in your head, right?

        • @Peruvian_Skies
          11 month ago

          Ah, if onky you lived in the real world. But you live in fantasy land where Communism works.

            • @Peruvian_Skies
              11 month ago

              I’d be insulted if a delusional commie like you did respect me. I know the people you respect: thieves, mass murderers, liars, warmongers. I don’t want to be bunched in with them.

                  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                    01 month ago

                    There’s gonna be so much seething and coping in your future little fash. As burger empire influence over Latin America wanes, you’re going to miss people like Maduro soon.