US President Joe Biden has said he is not confident there will be a peaceful transition of power if Donald Trump loses the presidential election in November.

"[Trump] means what he says, we don’t take him seriously. He means it, all this stuff about ‘if we lose it will be a bloodbath’.”

Mr Trump’s comment that it would “be a bloodbath for the country” if he loses the election, made as he was talking about the auto industry in March, triggered a wave of criticism.

The Trump campaign, however, said the comment was specifically about the auto industry and had been deliberately taken out of context. It sent a fundraising email which said Trump’s political opponents and others had been “viciously” misquoting him.

  • @[email protected]
    381 month ago

    I predict riots regardless of who wins.

    The only way to avoid it is if either side wins with a landslide, showing that the majority of the country is for the elected winner.

    • @Varyk
      331 month ago

      I doubt it. trump appears to have lost a lot of persuasive power.

      If Harris wins, I’m pretty sure all the conservatives are going to slink back under rocks for the next few years.

      • @[email protected]
        421 month ago

        If Harris wins, a lot of places where Trump “should have” won are going to falsely claim fraud and refuse to certify their votes, leading to another Jan 6.

        • @[email protected]
          421 month ago

          The damage Trump and his ilk have done to this country by undermining the public trust in some of the best run elections in the world is incalculable. It will be decades if ever before that damage is undone.

        • @[email protected]
          121 month ago

          Yep. Guaranteed they’ve already figured out the specific people they need to put pressure on when the time comes.

            • @[email protected]
              21 month ago

              What. The. Fuck.

              So they just don’t certify results they don’t like.

              The three board members who voted for it – Dr Janice Johnson, Rick Jeffares and Janelle King – were praised by name three days ago by Donald Trump at an Atlanta campaign rally.

              This smells like corruption.

              • @[email protected]
                11 month ago

                This smells like corruption.

                “The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!”

                Tap for spoiler

                In other words, yes, the corruption smells like itself.

                That isn’t even the only ratfucking tactic in play, BTW. They’ve also streamlined the process for challenging voter eligibility, such that even out-of-state right-wing traitors can try to disenfranchise an unlimited number of GA voters (especially “urban” ones). And that’s on top of the usual shortening early voting, limiting polling places, etc.

                Frankly, at this point I think it’s even odds Georgia’s popular vote doesn’t get counted, unless non-traitors wake up to the danger and start a massive poll-watching (etc.) effort.