• @zalgotext
    281 month ago

    So how easy is it for an American to move to the Netherlands? Asking for myself

      • Tar_Alcaran
        101 month ago

        Or you’ll need to bring like 500k. No, that’s not a joke.

          • Tar_Alcaran
            1 month ago

            The average price of all sold houses, including the shitty apartments in the middle of nowhere, is 440k

        • @[email protected]
          11 month ago

          Drive though the Netherlands in 3h

          It takes 1 hour to get from Germany in the east to Belgium in the west.

            • @[email protected]
              11 month ago

              If I can get from Dortmund in Germany to Calais in France in 4,5 - 5 hours (including stopping to fill up), I sure as hell don’t need 3 hours to go across the Netherlands.

              I used to drive regularly to Antwerp from Dortmund in a truck and it took between 3,5 and 4 hours.

                • @[email protected]
                  130 days ago

                  So go look at a map. How far is it from Venlo to Eersel? It’s about 65 km. Add a couple of kilometres to the border in each direction - let’s make it a nice round number: 80 km all told.

                  How slow is your fucking car, you stupid fucking cockwomble.

                  BTW, the speed limit of 100 kph is only during the day. At night it is mostly 120 kph.

                • @[email protected]
                  130 days ago

                  I see you edited your reply.

                  Germany in the east means: eastern side of the Netherlands, and Belgium in the west means: western side of the Netherlands. I also stated my start and end point for driving a truck, Dortmund and Antwerp. Again, go look at a map.

                  As you don’t have the ability to look at, and understand a map, I must assume my educational level is higher than yours.

                  You are about as intelligent as a metre of hard shoulder on a highway.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        The Netherlands is less than half the size of my state. There is nowhere in the Netherlands that is more rural than where I live right now, lol.

        • Digitalprimate
          127 days ago

          Eh, there are a few spots that it certainly feels like it, especially the Frisian islands.