• dream_weasel
    6 months ago

    I think the perspective you’re coming from makes a lot of sense, which is why I think that generally speaking it’s better to have rules written explicitly and try to minimize interpretation.

    RE Justices on the court: Yeah anything and everything has to be a constitutional amendment. It would be smart, for example, to make a ruling saying the SC may not take up cases about the SC, and outline cases in which justices must recuse. My argument about size is only true for random selection from a pool, not to appoint 25 justices; of course that can be an unbalanced court as easily as 9 justices.

    RE break it to fix it: I agree the source problem is voting method (and by extension money in politics), but I don’t think you can do it from the ground up. Consider even recent laws in FL (HB433) where the state disallows counties and municipalities from requiring water breaks etc to workers in high temperatures. If the rot is already in the state house, they legislate down and prevent it from happening. I think you have to pass clever master-stroke legislation to fix this problem, and there will probably not be many chances to do it. I say do it.

    RE representing people: People do not and are not obliged to vote in their own best interests unfortunately. But poll testing can be weaponized. A good start to addressing the problem (besides changing voting method) is to make it easier for people to vote. But making election day a holiday is one of those things Mitch says is a blatant power grab by dems lol. While I’m all for a meritocracy, that is absolutely not what a democratic republic is. Especially not in the US (See MTG since you’re a georgian).

    RE EC: I don’t see you arguing FOR the EC, only justifying why it originally existed. The big picture of the EC is resolved by the senate: all states are represented equally. I don’t think you need to equally represent states in every branch of government. Why SHOULDN’T the people choose the executive if the EC isn’t going to be independent of the state or party? At present, the EC disenfranchises everyone not in a swing state.

    Did you by chance watch the video? It’s a goody. Only 18 minutes or so.