Progressive film-maker says he’s more optimistic than he’s ever been since Trump announced first run eight years ago

  • @the_crotch
    027 days ago

    No. I hate him because suddenly all the things he’d been rallying against during the Bush years weren’t problems anymore when Obama was doing it. It was never about the crimes against humanity, it was about who was committing them. That’s not ideological consistency, it’s quite the opposite.

      • @the_crotch
        25 days ago

        He didn’t have to start them, they were already ongoing. He continued them, escalated them, expanded them into Syria, renewed the patriot act, didn’t shut down gitmo, didn’t ban torture, didn’t do any of the things he implied he’d do with his “hope and change” slogan. Obama didn’t change shit. We might as well have had 2 more terms of Bush. But, strangely, Michael Moore had nothing to say about that.