• Tb0n3
      11 month ago

      That’s difficult to say because they don’t say what the question is. It could be as simple as “do you think common sense laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals/children/immigrants are a good idea” or it could be even more weasely. Without knowing the actual question the survey results are meaningless.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        That’s difficult to say because they don’t say what the question is.

        The survey is directly linked. If you were actually interested in “What the public wants” you could have easily clicked the link and found out for yourself what the question is, the results, and what the results have been in previous years. Seeing as actually informing yourself seems like too much effort, here is the question asked:

        G1. Do you favor or oppose stricter gun control laws?

        People were free to interpret that however they want, and 64% of people said they were in favor.

        • Tb0n3
          01 month ago

          Didn’t see the link. Well, people are getting more and more brainwashed, so I’m not surprised. Honestly, when the news calls every shooting near a school a school shooting and goes on and on about how there’s hundreds a year it’s not a surprise the ignorant masses are fooled.

          • @[email protected]
            11 month ago

            Well, people are getting more and more brainwashed, so I’m not surprised. Honestly, when the news calls every shooting near a school a school shooting and goes on and on about how there’s hundreds a year it’s not a surprise the ignorant masses are fooled.

            That’s what we call mask off. If the gun grabbers wouldn’t be so sneaky and two-faced we’d have a real outcome based on what the public wants, not “won’t someone PLEASE think of the children” “PeOpLe ArE bRaIn WaShEd” emotional arguments hiding the real goal.

            So you’re concerned about what the public wants, until it is shown that the public very much does NOT want the thing you want, and which point you immediately know what the public REALLY wants better than they do.

            • Tb0n3
              01 month ago

              I’m concerned (reasonably) that mass media and constant misinformation/disinformation campaigns on social media and other platforms are changing peoples’ minds not with facts but with lies and deception. I don’t think this is controversial.

              • @[email protected]
                11 month ago

                So am I, that’s why a third of people oppose stricter gun control laws. Without the constant misinformation/disinformation campaigns on social media and other platforms it would be over 90% in favour of stricter gun control laws.

                You see how that works? You didn’t actually present an argument, you just assumed you are correct without any need of supporting your claims, and the argument goes nowhere.

                • Tb0n3
                  01 month ago

                  The fact that the media reports shootings in the vicinity of schools as school shootings to pump up the numbers is evidence on my side.

                  • @[email protected]
                    11 month ago

                    The fact that the media reports shootings in the vicinity of schools as school shootings to pump up the numbers is evidence on my side.

                    Evidence for what? That people don’t want what they want? You have provided no evidence that people don’t actually want what they say they want, and no arguments as to why they shouldn’t want that. For someone that was previously so concerned about “what the public wants” you are pretty quick to dismiss what the public wants.