Please keep it civil.

  • @sanpedropeddler
    11 year ago

    So earlier you say you weren’t talking about Muslims, now you say you were. Which is it?

    Even if you had completely pure intentions, how could you possibly blame me for thinking you were prejudiced against Muslims after reading your first response?

    • @exapsy
      11 year ago

      your mental gymnastics. I said YOU are talking about the 2nd religion on earth. YOU. Like … wtf your mental gymnastics to make me racist in front of your eyes. You’ve already decided. You dont need my arguments. lmao

      • @sanpedropeddler
        11 year ago

        You’re so offended that I’m looking at 2 billion people out of 8 on earth?

        Do you think I’m fucking stupid? You literally said you are talking about them.