Guess I’ll die 😬

  • @Apytele
    218 days ago

    It’s not even the "needs help themselves aspect. That screws them, they say most psych nurses are crazy too, it’s whether they’ve done the work on it, and I think you’d find similar levels of low competence from somebody who just didn’t pay enough attention in school (AND they wouldn’t have the life experience to know what they’re talking about).

    • Boozilla
      218 days ago

      The other thing you mentioned: not having close friends and non-professional relationships. I think that’s very true. A lot of people are isolated these days. And many friends will keep you at arm’s length. They are happy to hang out. But if you start to open up too much, they will start to avoid you. Anything that smells remotely “clingy” is a big no-no. They’d rather look at screens than engage in real talk.