Danielle Larivee, a vice-president at the United Nurses of Alberta, said nurses are “very alarmed” by hospital transfers she said could negatively affect care and drive critical health-care workers from the province.

Like Parks, Larivee said the worry is the restructuring will lead to more bureaucracy and less co-ordination across the system.

“We’re not seeing any evidence at all to support the idea that this is about improving access to care, about improving services or even about saving money,” said Larivee in an interview.

“If we’re not saving money and not making care better, why are we doing it?”

  • @pelespirit
    1118 days ago

    FFS Canada, don’t let them take your healthcare. Let the US serve as a warning. I don’t know how you save yours, but you’ve got a lot of smart people. Figure it out before your healthcare goes in the shitter like ours.

    • @[email protected]
      18 days ago

      We are forecast to elect the largest conservative majority since 1984, while all our major provinces are run by conservative governments.

      Our healthcare is cooked.

      Many provinces are already hamstringing it and replacing chunks with private clinics, while trying to freeze and reduce pay for healthcare workers (in Ontario that only only get reversed by the superior court).


      • @[email protected]
        518 days ago

        Wow. Punishing nurses? Pushing nurses towards poverty?

        These are probably the same people who won’t want to pay them on the private side either.

        Chain reaction: less nurses. Less other healthcare staff. Less staff means more patients for each nurse. Which means crappier and more dangerous care.

        Brilliant, these guys. Stellar long term goals too.

    • @[email protected]
      718 days ago

      Health care up here is controlled at the province level. Alberta is basically Texas, in that for the last century, it’s been controlled by a huge conservative majority.

      If Alberta actually forces this through, I know I’m not the only one that will be looking to move.