The Rings Of Power continues to substitute good storytelling with an endless, inane parade of callbacks to Lord of the Rings.

  • Noel_Skum
    6 months ago

    I’m no fan of Tolkien / LotR’s but the revisionism of Orcs in the new series to be essentially humans that look a bit different is such a colossal change that it undermines everything in that world. Imagine if the tinfoil dude in Starwars (CPO?) unzipped his costume in episode XII and he turned out to be a human. Would that make a mockery of the franchise - or at least make it look stupid? Spock & Kirk in Star Trek are now the opposite of what they were. The film called Snow White might not even tell the Snow White story. Velma from Scooby Doo has become a deplorable bitch. If you don’t have the talent to write something original stick to the rules and lore of the people who did. Having said that, enjoy the rest of the series.

      6 months ago

      Yeah ok the “orc nuclear family” is a bit questionable. I would prefer if there are no orc women and that they just spring from the ground ;)

      But it does make them “less irredeemable” and is consistent with Tolkien’s writing. Also “Orcs had life and multiplied after the manner of the Children of Ilúvatar.”

      • Noel_Skum
        6 months ago

        Yeah, I’ve been told Tolkien is on record begrudgingly admitting that there probably were orc women (females?)… somewhere. My nerd friends (No offence, nerds) are ok with that it’s more the un-orc-like personality. Like having an irrational Vulcan. If it isn’t the (new) main story it looks lazy and amateur - to me. The other thing they complain about is that Gwadriol (sp?) - main woman - is written like a superhero and they reckon that’s massively out of keeping too.