• NeuromancerM
    -1110 days ago

    Our founding fathers did not like democracy and took steps to keep our republic running by implementing the superior electoral college system.

      • NeuromancerM
        -79 days ago

        It’s what keeps the union together. Otherwise we would have split a long time ago.

          • NeuromancerM
            -59 days ago

            Are we still a nation after all these years? Do you not understand what the electoral college does? It makes sure the smaller states still have equal power in the government. Otherwise we’d split off because power would be held by a few states.

            • @[email protected]
              89 days ago

              I’m thinking you shouldn’t talk about the electoral college until you understand what it does because you’re dead wrong

              Power IS held by a few states…the swing states…that are made important because the electoral college gives them disproportionate votes. States aren’t people and where you live shouldn’t matter for the presidential election.

              [https://fairvote.org/archives/the_electoral_college-population_vs_electoral_votes/](A vote in Wyoming has the same “power” as 2 1/2 votes from Oregon). What about that sounds right to you?

              • NeuromancerM
                -79 days ago

                States are the centers of power in our country. Not the people. It’s why states vote for president.

                  • NeuromancerM
                    -79 days ago

                    Have you ever taken a basic class on the United States government? States vote for the president. That’s what the electoral college is all about. In many states the electoral college has no obligation to use the popular vote for making their decision.

        • link
          -19 days ago

          @wintermute_oregon @glimse

          Remember the articles of confederation.

          Federalism has always been a tricky balance.

          We are the United States, not United Citizens.

      • NeuromancerM
        -49 days ago

        You mean so the democrats could own their slaves. Funny how things have not changed

          • NeuromancerM
            -59 days ago

            Lincoln was a conservative himself. He described himself as a conservative and historians Label him as one. In the speech you cited, he was speaking as a conservative to other conservatives.

            Democrats owned slaves. Democrats still want to own slaves.

            • Zeppo
              59 days ago

              Ending slavery is not a conservative position by definition. Conservatism means continuing the system that is currently in place and accepted.

              • NeuromancerM
                -48 days ago

                Ending slavery is a conservative value. Since we believe all men are equal, slavery by default insults that position.

                • Zeppo
                  18 days ago

                  Are you sure you’re a conservative? Most conservative views are insulting. But back in real life, it was a deeply ingrained institution at the time.

                  • NeuromancerM
                    -28 days ago

                    I am very conservative. The Republican party was started to end slavery. Lincoln was a conservative. Before joining the Republican Party he was conservative Whig. Republicans have always stood up for freedom and individual rights. In the 80’s we picked up the religious right which skewed some stances but I’m not part of the religious right.

                • @[email protected]
                  49 days ago

                  Your profile says you’re a conservative and a fascist? @neuromancer said before they’re incompatible, and he’s a conservative.

                  He also says Lincoln was a conservative.

                  Why do you both say the opposite? Is conservatism so meaningless that such fundamental differences are just ignored?

                  Why do you think conservatives deny that fascists are part of their movement when they clearly are?

                  • link
                    -39 days ago


                    Fascists are hybrids. Fascism is corporatism, i.e. state control through corporations.

                    What does my profile say?

                    “Furthest Right: raging realism plus transcendental reverence. I write at https://www.amerika.org/ and https://www.deathmetal.org/ about topics such as nihilism, ecofascism, paganism, eugenics, capitalism, perennialism, conservatism, natural selection, and of course death metal.”

                    Ecofascism is a separate movement. You read your Linkola and Kaczynski?

                    Full readout here:

                    Lincoln was a radical. He, too, was a hybrid, in that he came from the Anglo tradition but was outside of it as a “radical.”

                    He was a progressive of his age. He was closer to Marx than Washington.

                  • link
                    -39 days ago


                    As to what conservatism is, I write about that a lot:


                    It is a focus on order beyond the individual and the social group; we call it realism, and it tends to favor historically-proven results and a case-by-case basis instead of ideological categorical containers.

                    About ten thousand people in North America can successfully parse that sentence.

              • NeuromancerM
                -49 days ago

                I get you don’t read well but see how Lincoln uses the word we. It’s including himself. Lincoln was a conservative. He was a Republican.

                Lincoln was not a progressive.

        • Zeppo
          29 days ago

          I guess if you knew basically nothing about US history that would be a convincing statement.