• @Apytele
    6 days ago

    I remember reading somewhere that while a western audience would perceive this as utterly farcical, a Chinese citizen is at least more likely to perceive it as the government taking their safety and security seriously enough to be thorough about it. While I’m sure there was some person somewhere in the chain of command who thought this was a good and important idea and that they needed to check the pigeon butts for explosives, there’s no way all of the people involved in doing those searches thought it was likely to uncover an actual weapon, but the cultural context makes it important to err in that direction. Meanwhile in the US, the government is more successful in hiding abuses by “protecting freedoms.” Powerful people all around the world have basically the same playbook, but a big part of that strategy is knowing their audience.

    You can also utilize the somewhat covert bribery and diversion systems to this end. As long as everybody thinks everybody ELSE is following the guidelines, and that they’re the only ones really getting away with things / reporting that they’re following guidelines when they’re not, you can get the same result and all you have to do is not look too closely, which is probably what you’re doing with most other things already. In the US you don’t even need to bother doing that because aside from not culturally having enough shame to do so, actively hiding our idiocy in any way would be considered a restriction on freedoms. Around these parts its your god given right to be a dumbass and the gubmit can pry that from your cold dead hands.

    We’re stupid, but at least we’re honest about it. They’re stupid, but at least they have the decency to not act like it out in broad daylight. Neither is better and both can easily be a tool of the bourgeoisie.

    • IndiBrony
      6 days ago

      I like you.

      Like, this is what conspiracy should be - actually somewhat believable - and not dumb shit like flat earth.

      I always held that 9/11 was dubious. Not an “inside job” per se, but definitely a case of “we’re gonna turn our backs for just a second, and you terrorists better not do something silly while we’re not looking!”

      One of the biggest things that will always stick out to me: the WMDs. They were adamant Iraq had them. They said they had actual evidence. None of it was true. It all came across as an excuse for ol’ George to go in and try to finish what daddy started in '91.

      Just to be clear as well, I think other conspiracies such as the controlled demolition of the towers and the fake plane at the pentagon are bullshit. I don’t have my tinfoil hat on that tightly.

      • @Apytele
        75 days ago

        Yeah like. They’re already covering up enough stuff that is both stupid AND awful all at once you don’t need to make up extra shit.

      • @[email protected]
        25 days ago

        I always held that 9/11 was dubious. Not an “inside job” per se, but definitely a case of “we’re gonna turn our backs for just a second, and you terrorists better not do something silly while we’re not looking!”

        But why? What they won letting that happen?

        • @[email protected]
          5 days ago

          The Patriot Act gives the government practically unlimited permission to spy on all citizens. It was created and passed as a result of 9/11.

            • @[email protected]
              25 days ago

              It was introduced on October 23rd 2001 in direct response to the 9/11 attack and signed into law on 26th.

                • IndiBrony
                  4 days ago

                  I don’t doubt that many proposals were made well before 9/11, but that attack certainly proved a catalyst in getting them approved.

                  Basically: we want to control citizens > citizens don’t want to be controlled > create a scenario in which they want to be controlled > control citizens

                  Might take a few years between implementation and the desired result, but politics is always a slow march towards authoritarianism.

                  Also, the fact it was labelled as the counter terrorism act. Not much call for a counter terrorism act of there isn’t much terrorism happening. No better way to say “we need this” than an actual terrorist attack happening.

      • @[email protected]
        15 days ago

        other conspiracies such as the controlled demolition of the towers

        Maybe not WTC 1 or 2 but WTC 7 looks exactly like a controlled demolition.