Leader of the Ukrainian State Property Fund says “If we don’t sell them this year, then next year their only value will be real estate, and in the following year, just the land they stand on"

  • @VarykOP
    21 year ago

    I know all about the sins of the United States, I just don’t let that cloud my judgment.

    I mean, you know Russia is still doing literally all of those things right? They’re incarceration rate is the same as the US. As far as I recall, they use their prisoners for slave labor, they have migrant concentration camps and they annex Crimea.

    I don’t get your argument here. Do you not understand that just because someone does something bad it doesn’t make whatever the other person does good?

    Just because one country commits human rights abuses, it doesn’t mean that other countries are not committing human rights abuses.

    I do care about people, I just don’t pick favorites. I judge them by their actions, as you are being judged by the community you’ve joined.