• Naz
    5 months ago

    Haha this is funny because I’m actually a part time wish-granter:

    To subvert this particular wish, your phrasing is the key:

    You said:

    I wish there’s always fresh and delicious food I want to eat in my fridge at all times

    So the first part of your wish is:

    There is always fresh and delicious food in the fridge

    But the second part, begins with a capitalization, a subclause to the first clause, or dependent statement:

    I want to eat in my fridge at all times

    Your fridge is now full of good food that disappears if you try to remove it outside the confines of your fridge, and now anything you eat, MUST be eaten while inside of your refrigerator (i.e: Your entire body has to inside of the refrigerator), and refrigerator implies a standard size kitchen fridge, not an industrial fridge or freezer.

    I hope you like eating nutella snack cakes huddled inside your fridge for survival now 😎

      • Naz
        5 months ago

        Hell yeah! That’s not gonna get you any free wishes though