I got a COVID infection a while ago that permanently disabled me pretty bad. Bedridden, unable to move much, etc.

The thing that really helped me was relaxing and listening to music. That’s what I spent my days doing as I couldn’t do much else. I became a real music nerd and just loved the bliss of hearing music.

A little later (two years). I got another COVID infection — I was taking very strong precautions, and couldn’t see anyone. It turns out I got it from my doctor. Anyways, this infection caused some brain damage which has caused me to mostly loose the ability to hear. And now I’m still mostly motionless alone in bed, but I haven’t even got the comfort of sound or music. Just a mostly silent (tinnitus filled) world.

I’m so scared of getting covid again. But mostly I miss the world and my old life. Being stuck alone in bed with only the internet for company sucks. People tend to be arseholes online. I can’t help but feel I got “natural selectioned”. Me and my wife were planning on having kids soon. Now I barely see her and I’m going to slowly die in a nursing home. There are specific genetic vulnerabilities to illnesses, and natural selection works with them (see what Europeans coming to America did). And I got fucked here. COVID was my end.

  • @[email protected]
    1 day ago

    Did you get vaccinated? Please say you did, and that you weren’t one of the dumb ones falling for all this bullshit. The vaccines, even if they don’t keep you from falling ill - greatly reduce the effects of Long-Covid, and the problems they cause with the body.

    • @[email protected]
      1 day ago

      This is 100% inappropriate to ask. While I am also very pro-vaccine and frustrated at the anti-vaccine movement, you’re talking to some who is grieving the loss of a major part of their life. Saying all this is on par with “Did your mom X with you” or “This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t Y so much” to explain disabilities. No one owes you their medical history and shame on you for asking. You’re fishing to put personal blame on to someone so you can get a sense of smug schadenfreude from another suffering. Let’s say the answer is yes, are you truly here to do a victory lap?

      • @[email protected]
        1 day ago

        Let’s say the answer is yes, are you truly here to do a victory lap?

        Yep. And if the answer is no, then I’ll offer my condolences and probably do some research to see what opportunities for treatment they have available - so that I can help in the way I know best.

        • @[email protected]
          313 hours ago

          what a smug piece of shit. not just because you want to gloat at another’s suffering, but because you are fucking arrogant enough to this that you can help find a solution to a problem OP has had for years.

          Do you really think that OP is that much of an idiot that it took them two years to find some random asshole on lemmy to Google shit for them?

          You need to do some introspection, holy shit

          • @[email protected]
            11 hours ago

            I have helped find solutions for a handful of people’s medical issues over the years.

            I’ve found doctors often don’t care to do this research themselves. You too can help; as someone who cares about this stuff often times a patient’s best hope is usually a family-member who is diligent in asking questions and educating themselves further.

            So piss off, internet armchair expert. Doctors aren’t infallable as you may think; and I’ve known plenty to simply don’t give 2 shits and do not look further into stuff such as this.

            • @[email protected]
              -12 hours ago

              Doctors aren’t infallable as you may think;

              The irony of raging about anti vaxxers while using their talking points.

        • @[email protected]
          1 day ago


          Well that is just an outright cruelty. Fucking stop.

          And if the answer is no, then I’ll offer my condolences

          Do that anyways.

          probably do some research to see what opportunities for treatment they have available

          Holy shit don’t. This post isn’t your personal call to action. OP’s doctors know far more about their treatment than some rando online. OP is venting, not asking for your personal medical advice.

          Please, try to understand what you are doing here is harmful, not help and learn how the disabled community is begging people to stop saying these things.

          • ArxCyberwolf
            31 day ago

            You’re speaking to a troll, by the way. This isn’t new behaviour.

    • @[email protected]
      161 day ago

      OP has lost their hearing, is bed-ridden, and has lost their future plans. And here you are kicking them while they’re down. There is absolutely nothing appropriate with anything you just said in your comment.

        • @[email protected]
          81 day ago

          There is absolutely everything appropriate with it.

          If I gouge out my eyes, and then complain to everyone I’m sad now that I’m blind, I’m the one to blame for it. Why would anyone feel pity for me?

          Honestly, you sound as bad as those anti-vaxxers, sitting all high and mighty on your throne of shit. You think you’re better than OP because how dare anybody get sick if they were smart enough to get vaccinated like you. Your world is so black and white you cannot possibly fathom any grey in between. It’s ideologies like yours that hurt the rest of us the most.

      • @[email protected]
        1 day ago

        If they fell for it, then they’ve effectively destroyed their own life. I’m not going to be sympathetic towards antivaxxers. The whole world worked as fast as possible to get people protected. If this person then rejected all of that work, all of that effort, and ended up like this? – Then they did it to themselves.

        • @[email protected]
          141 day ago

          You don’t have to be sympathetic. You also don’t have to be an asshole and rub it in. You know nothing about this person, and yet you’re so quick to pass judgement. I pity you more than I pity OP.

          • @[email protected]
            1 day ago

            You should probably pity OP more. They lost the genetic lottery on this one. I haven’t had COVID. I’ve been actually harassed and bullied because of the protections I took.

            So fuck antivaxxers.