Fed up with school shooting threats in his community, Chitwood pledged to publicly identify students accused of making such threats.

  • @phdepressed
    189 hours ago

    Good on news outlets not posting the perps. Gotta wonder if this is legal (mugshot and posting perpwalk)as they are minors.

        • @[email protected]
          185 hours ago

          Here’s what happened at my daughter’s school last week:

          • Child 1 made a sarcastic remark to child 2, suggesting that child 3 might bring a gun to school the next day.
          • Child 4 overheard the remark and reported it.
          • Police showed up, in full force, at child 3’s home. Child 3 had made no such threat, did not own a gun, and had no idea what was going on.
          • The district assured everyone that there was no credible thread.
          • Social media blew up with distraught parents wanting to know why the school hadn’t been immediately shut down and everyone notified, kids arrested, etc.

          If police made the identities of any of these children public knowledge, their parents would be rightfully pissed off and well within their rights to sue for damages, because I assure you that those kids and their parents would be made social pariahs and would probably have to leave the district, even though the only thing that happened was someone made a very ill-advised joke that someone else overheard and took seriously.

        • @HuckledebuckOP
          57 hours ago

          And if my kid was accused of threatening to shoot up a school and this was normal…