• @jballs
    83 hours ago

    I feel like once you hit your 40s, you really start to understand that concept of your body only being evolved enough to ensure that you can reproduce and the next generation survives.

    In your 40s and you hurt your knee? Fuck you, your knee now hurts for the rest of your life - why aren’t you dead already?

      • @jballs
        3 hours ago

        When my son was a toddler, he went down a slide feet first but on his stomach. I had a complete brain fart and forgot to catch him at the bottom of the slide like I had always done in the past. He few about 3 feet, then landed on the ground on his stomach, his head whipped back and then slammed face first into the ground.

        I remember thinking at the time, Jesus Christ, I would be DEAD if that happened to me. But yeah, he cried a little bit and walked it off.