I’ve been looking for ages for a mount for an Xbox controller big enough to hold an 11” iPad Pro, since I’m old and a phone screen isn’t big enough for me to play games on these days. There doesn’t seem to be anything that supports a screen that big, so inspired by a Reddit post from a couple of years ago, I bought two separate mounts and combined them.

The key is to find a controller mount and iPad holder that both each have a ball socket connection so you can combine the two.

It’s clearly heavier than a phone would be, but works really well.

These are the two parts of the mount:

Gamer Gear Xbox Series X Controller Mobile Gaming 4 point Clamp, Xbox Controller Phone Mount Adjustable Phone Holder Clamp Compatible with Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Black

3Data Gooseneck Tablet Holder, Universal Tablet Stand : 360 Flexible Lazy Arm Holder Clamp Mount Bracket Bed for 4.7~10.5" Pad Air Pro mini,Tablet, Phone, more Devices (White)

  • karmiclychee
    4 months ago

    If I could get something like this for my steam deck + Xbox controller, I’d be sooooo happy