I’m kind of sick of being into tech. Everything is riddled with ads and speculative investment. You have to manage your expectations so much because everything has a good likelihood of turning into garbage at a moments notice. It’s just not fun anymore. I know I’m probably a bit nostalgia blinded, but I miss the mid-late 2000s and early 2010s so much. Games were new and interesting, tech was moving at a lightning fast pace, things were fun.

I know it’s more complicated than that, and there are reasons things are how they are, but fuck man. Anyway, off my chest.

  • Ogmios
    2 hours ago

    Like I said, try finding actually good information on the real thing, not just ‘debunking’ a bunch of obvious bullshit. People wrote about it as fact before 1911ish, yet it’s almost impossible to find any of that ‘human knowledge’ anywhere online.

    Just a few things I’ve managed to find:

    An old novel

    Britannica has some sparse information

    The first edition of the Britanica speaks of it as a ‘vast country’

    Clearly there has been a lot written on the subject, but you really have to dig to find even scraps remaining of what people once said of it, which gets overshadowed by popular conspiracy theories as you have shown.