Some image I found when searching for deep pressure on duckduckgo. Never heard of the term before, buuuuuut seems interesting…

Also, from the same image, there is a hotdog

I used to do this as a child, alone…

And now I ask YOU, have you heard of this deep pressure term before? What are your experiences? (Now u be the entertainer! I’m done with pretending!)

  • ShareMySims
    16 hours ago

    Sorry, I was just trying to relate this to autism in a silly way, no criticism or meanness intended.

    What’s the difference between deep touch and deep pressure

    I don’t know for sure, but personally I would say that deep touch is the opposite of soft touch (like grabbing someone’s hand vs lightly brushing against it), while deep pressure is about deliberately applying pressure deep in to the tissue (so yeah, like massaging, but also like a really heavy weighted blanket or the steamroller with a ball thing).

    I must have missed your previous post, or not had the brain power to reply, good to see these conversations happening either way. 😊