Low effort, but cathartic

  • Rekorse
    5 months ago

    Well why would you expect them to adopt your perspective when you simply think they are stupid people who will believe anything.

    You never understood what they are feeling and why, and why they are expressing it the way they are.

    If you want to change their mind, build a connection with them. We all have the same emotions, its not that complex.

    What’s the saying? Dont hate what you don’t know?

    • fuck_u_spez_in_particular@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Well why would you expect them to adopt your perspective when you simply think they are stupid people who will believe anything.

      Have I said such in my last comment? Also it doesn’t seem everything, the logical truth they often don’t accept because it doesn’t fit in their world-view.

      You never understood what they are feeling and why, and why they are expressing it the way they are.

      Btw. what I learned, this is really the main issue apart from emotions taking over rationality: not fitting in their world-view (also from research, my sister-in-law is researcher on this exact topic).

      If you want to change their mind, build a connection with them.

      Yep not gonna happen, tried, failed, talking against a wall is more effective… Also my worldview is so vastly on the opposed side of this spectrum, how should this ever work, bending my mind completely?? I’m not a rhetoric politician, nor even a very social person (especially when they’re the kind of people we’re talking about).

      I just have to accept that there are a lot of idiots, or let’s be honest: mentally ill, promoted by our unhealthy society? Because conspiracy-theorists, I would say is at least some form of schizophrenia, narcissism is likely also playing a part.

      Also just for my own mental health: Because having interactions with these people, having in mind that there’s a lot of similar ones, in effect screwing the world (climate-change etc. and yes it’s mostly the rich/controlling-class, but they’re often getting elected by these people). All of this is not good for (my) mental health…

      It’s just sad, that it’s a realistic outcome that Trump could win this quite important election. I just can’t do much about it other than living the best of my life, and see how humanity is on a way to idiocracy (because climate-change and the resulting conflicts will very likely not help…). I really hope to be proved wrong, and that we somehow manage to fix this (mostly education and social anxiety) problem though…

      • Rekorse
        5 months ago

        The fact you don’t understand why a third of the country would vote republican while another third would sit out or vote third party is evidence ofnyourblack of understanding though.

        I’m not saying you should do something you aren’t comfortable with or mentally capable of handling, I’m saying why your efforts might have been ineffective in the past.