According to the recent report, which was published by the London-based think tank the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), social media accounts linked to Russian state-affiliated media spread content focusing on right -wing themes. They incorrectly depicted incompetence in the government’s hurricane response to discredit the Biden administration, and often argue this insufficient response is due to U.S. support for Ukraine in its war against Russia. On one occasion, a Russian state-owned news agency known as RIA Novosti shared an AI-generated image of Florida’s Disney World being supposedly destroyed by Hurricane Milton, which quickly went viral.

While the disinformation exists on a number of social media platforms, the ISD notes that “this type of content is especially prominent on X (formerly Twitter), in line with other recent moderation failures identified by ISD.”

  • lurch (he/him)
    1 day ago

    russia needs to be beaten and split up like germany after ww2. it’s gotten out of hand. needs a good bonking to be reminded to leave other countries alone