My wife and I have grown to hate Pierre. Don’t know where it started but it’s been a while.

So we started the No Pierre challenge.

Rules. You can’t buy anything from Pierre. No backpacks, seeds, trees, anything.

You CAN sell your merchandise to Pierre. Forcing him to pay you is funny.

You can’t use the shipping box either. Sell everything to the proper merchant yourself. Give the mayor a break.

You can’t use JoJo mart either. I feel that should go without saying but I wanted to be clear.

Goal. Ginger island within 3 years.

The ONLY hard part is apples. Only two locations. The fruit cave and the weird travelling merchant lady. We call her Mabel.

Otherwise, have fun. The game actually doesn’t get that much harder, it’s just a fun way to make Pierre feel bad. He isn’t useful to us except for his money. Maybe we’ll do a full run without selling anything to Pierre next time

  • AlligatorBlizzard
    4 months ago

    Lower odds still, but you can also get apple tree saplings in skull cavern treasure rooms.