What shows have you grown out of, or has society grown out of? Were they popular in their time? Were they not so much? Why do you feel like they’ve aged? I’ll leave mine below

  • southsamurai
    4 months ago

    Fucking Bones.

    When it was spread out week by week, over multiple seasons, it was easier to miss how horrible the writing was.

    They turned every character into a one dimensional caricature about midway through the run. And, when you watch it binge style, you realize that Booth was a major asshole. Just shitty to any of the other men, despite claiming to be friends.

      • southsamurai
        4 months ago

        Bug boy. That’s what Booth called Hodgins (spelling?) right up to the end of the show. The same thing he called him at the beginning when swinging his fbi dick and trying to intimidate people. He was constantly trying to pull top dog shit on Sweets.

        Bones herself went from a fairly believable scientist with friendships and an understanding of people to being either the absent minded professor that’s behind the times, or (as some people have phrased it), an autistic savant with no ability to understand basic human interaction.

        Angela stayed pretty consistent though. So did Cam.

        • Scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.techOP
          4 months ago

          Sounds like our flanderization of each of them. Can’t blame it too much, there’s only so much the original premise of the show can do. Bones helps FBI. Character growth doesn’t make fun TV according to TV execs

    • Captain Aggravated
      4 months ago

      That show is one of two I gave up on due to egregious product placement. The other being Eureka!

      “The bones are at the crime scene, let’s get in my all new 2014 Toyota Prius and go look at them.” And this was a show that once knew how to do product placement. In an early episode Brennan’s book money came in and there’s a scene where she has like a Mercedes sports car, and there’s an exchange like “New car?” “Decided to splurge.” “Nice.” And they didn’t tape over the badges. We didn’t get “My new Mercedes Fuck Class has dual side fuckbags and adapive fuck control, handy when I’m on the go.”

      Some folks tried to play off making an entire episode of Eureka about Degree For Men as being tongue in check fun. No, a couple episodes earlier when the new corporate boss lady mentions “New funding from corporate sponsors” and uses a TV remote to turn on the Degree For Men logo on the back of a lab coat, that’s tongue in cheek fun. Though if I’m honest I was basically already out. That show had a major problem with continuity. Sets would change, characters came and went, Carter was seeing the dry cleaning girl, they were going on a vacation, never heard from her again. I thought “the writers don’t care about this show, why should I?”

    • BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      some shows just do not work at all when binged. one being house m.d.

      not because its bad but its because it gets tiring how similar episodes are. best watched spread out