Interested in seeing how this one turns out, haven’t seen much information on this MMO beyond the fact that it’s from the devs of RuneScape. Will be diving in later today, but just curious what anyone’s thoughts are if you’ve checked it out.

  • fsxylo
    4 months ago

    I don’t like the graphics. It looks very generic. It’s higher fidelity but looks worse than OSRS because at least osrs is somewhat stylized.

    I don’t like that you have to click twice on everything.

    I played the tutorial, and nothing hooked me in. It felt like your average mobile game.

    Dialogue was painfully generic. “Go here to accomplish objective then come back for next objective”

    It doesn’t have a unique identity or anything to grab my interest that makes me want to put up with the grind it demands from me, which it did immediately after the tutorial.