In an effort to get some more discussion going I figured I’d ask this here. I’m in a mostly-solo FC right now and I need GC Seals like mad to upgrade my subs. I can’t find any post-DT info on the quickest/best route to getting GC Seals. I know I can turn my nut sacks into gear in Old Sharlayan but I’m not interested in that, I’m looking for Unsync’d duties. Any suggestions?

Thank you!

  • TheMadIrishman
    4 months ago

    As I’ve been progressing in MSQ I’ve been running duties and just doing the delivery to my GC with the gear I get. It’s been mostly keeping up with running 4 retainers on ventures! I feel like most of the gear I’ve gotten through Stormblood and Shadowbringers were worth about 1200-1500 seals each.