What a handsome fellow. Thank you for sharing.
What a handsome fellow. Thank you for sharing.
That a python in your pants, or are ya happy to see me?
Man, I would love to try shakshuka some day, I’ve never seen it anywhere I’m at though. Sad.
I never get tired of watching Sulik send a dude to the other side of the map with a super sledge. Cassidy with a combat shot gun is pretty deadly, and Marcus is absolutely a friendly fire machine, but he’s voiced by Michael Dorn, so he gets a pass. :D
Sulik, Cassidy, and Marcus. We and I be happy to travel.
SF Rush was an absolute riot!
Rock n Roll racing for the SNES. Absolutely adore that game.
Recurring payment inbound!
Very enjoyable and beautiful game.
Praise the Omnissiah! Wait…I might be in the wrong community…
Another runner played a Mario game on switch using motion controls strapped to his head and feel and then played the in game music on a keyboard at the same time. GDQ was wild this year.
And he needs money!
I actually picked up a UNAS from Ubiquiti so I’m looking at drives myself. 4 and 8TB Ironwolf drives on Amazon seem decent, but I’m waiting for Monday to actually pull the trigger
Turn based stuff is probably pretty safe, assuming that’s your jam. Been playing Rogue Trader and I think you can do most anything with the mouse.
As I’ve been progressing in MSQ I’ve been running duties and just doing the delivery to my GC with the gear I get. It’s been mostly keeping up with running 4 retainers on ventures! I feel like most of the gear I’ve gotten through Stormblood and Shadowbringers were worth about 1200-1500 seals each.
Absolute BANGER of a track.
Yup, those look like goof balls.
Source: I have 2 goofballs myself.
I never made a snacklebox for a flight, but definitely for road trips. They’re great.
I’m rooting for both sides to lose, and for Bane to win.
I’ve always been too intimidated with the v60 process to try it and instead use a French press. Following this thread to see what I can learn!