Only use jellyfin. Have a list of things want to update… but it works for now.

Yes that is a laptop usb cooler used as supplemental placebo cooling. Also a pc fan I have propped up against the hard drive feeding into the pi.

Can’t recall last time used the ps4 or switch. But they’re there

  • AllHailTheSheep
    4 个月前

    mostly runs jellyfin for a group of about 30 users (2 or 3 on at most times). runs alpine on bare bones. the box was originally filled with foam cutouts from storing iPads in a school district I worked at. I figure it’s 20tbs of storage and 16gb ecc is a welcome upgrade. it stays cool cause I cutout half the side and put an AC fan in there. future upgrades involve the Nvidia k40 card I have, but I need to design an active cooling system for it before it can be installed as that thing gets HOT