[Update]: Thanks everyone for answering and caring. I wasn’t expecting this reaction at all.

While I got over the panick attack quickly I really appreciated all the comfort and info you provided. <3

At the end of the day I only got a slightly worse headache and rebound effect but that was to be expected. It’s been barely three weeks since I’ve got started with medication and next Monday I have a follow-up meeting with my doctor.

I noted everything up with the rest of my experiences just in case it’s useful since I think it might be working better… xD

Anyway, thank you all again. (:

[END of Update]

I’m on Elvanse (lisdexanfetamin) 30mg I just took two pills instead of one by mistake.

I’m quite sure I wasn’t noticing anything with 30mg but now I fear an overdose or some shit.

Tho here if 30mg is not enough they jump you to 50mg which is not far from 60mg…

The thing is that I’m scared and don’t know what I should do.

  • xmunk
    3 months ago

    Keep calm, the first time I doubled up I was so stressed about blood pressure that my freaking out spiked my blood pressure (I’m on methylphenidate, myself). Doubling prescriptions is never good but, aside EoL oncology meds, dosages are usually set to never be close to the range for immediate toxicity.

    Your head might be funny feeling today but you can make it through.