• prole
    2 months ago

    Yeah, I have mixed feelings about that… I’ve become a huge fan of From Software games, and have learned that some of my favorite gaming experiences are ones where I overcome extreme challenges (I’m that guy who defaults to “hard” difficulty on first playthroughs). And whenever I die and start in the middle of a battle with full HP and MP (but the boss remains in phase 2 without healing), I feel a little bit of that joy being taken away from me lol.

    And I’m weak. Sometimes just having that option there is enough for me to “rage quit” a battle and just brute force it that way. And that’s not rewarding at all.

    I mean shit… I don’t know if I’ve ever admitted this, but I believe this is a safe space: Sekiro is my favorite video game of all time, and I still haven’t beaten “Demon of Hatred” without using cheese… It haunts me. Maybe this time will be different…