I picked up a Burley Flatbed to compliment my Burley Travoy and Wike City cargo trailers.

The Flatbed seems to offer a nice bit of versatility when it comes to strapping rubbermaids to it.

I’ve seen 150L+ sizes, but I’m curious if anyone has actually been doing this. If so, any tips or things I should watch out for?

Obviously, securing the front and rear of the trailer (both sides are fully open) is probably going to be really important. LOL

  • just some guy
    2 months ago

    I didn’t use a Rubbermaid, it was more like one of those rigid shipping totes there the top is 2 attached flaps. I used it for a long time in my single wheel trailer and it worked great! It probably wasn’t as good as your setup idea, since it could only keep out so much rain