I wish I could say I was surprised. I remember several great, extensive wikis on various subreddits but no one ever used them, and a lot of others that for which wikis should’ve been a great feature failed to utilize them properly, if at all. .
I wish I could say I was surprised. I remember several great, extensive wikis on various subreddits but no one ever used them, and a lot of others that for which wikis should’ve been a great feature failed to utilize them properly, if at all. .
Since you’ve mentioned you want a single computer to play media you already have, forget Plex. Sure it can be used in this manner but it’s overkill. Plex, and other software like it, are best used for streaming from server to client(s).
Building on the Ras pi suggestion, I’d say take a look at osmc on an rpi. (If you go the rpi route, I’d also suggest dropping a lil more cash to have it boot/run from something other than an SD card, ext hd and nvme SSD are both better boot drive options. SD cards have a tendency to bite the dust after a while in single board computers)
Also, since you mentioned being unaware of the steps you should follow to get something like this running, here’s a quick guide on how easy it is to get osmc running: https://learn.littlebirdelectronics.com.au/guides/create-a-htpc-media-centre-with-raspberry-pi
Cough Oh yeah, that’s the stuff
I’ll add these authors to my reading list. Thanks for the recommendations!
Big words from the walking dumpster full of nasty wastes of perfectly good eggs!
Oh hell yeah we are! Did she get those sick tortilla bowls again?
Says a delived egg loving beast!
But I respect your desire to eat the filthy fuckers. As long as it’s in private, preferably in the closet of shame.
I’d go so far as to say I think it’s weird when people eat any amount of deviled eggs.
Opens beer sounds right.
thanks for the recommendation! just downloaded it (only $7.99, maybe the price has dropped?) i’ll poke around on it to see if it can help me navigate my grocery shopping
Oh the joys of American healthcare 🙃
Tonymacx86.com has a lot of resources that may be able to help in determining if you’re setup will work and how to get it running macOS
Oh celexa… I don’t miss you
I hope your current care plan is working out better! That sounds like it was fucking terrible.
I certainly shouldn’t have a problem this time! By waking up earlier I’ll definitely have an easy time getting ready and there on time 🙃
It certainly will since I found a place with normal business hours, someone that answered the phone, and an opening for next month!
I can’t speak toward all the options out there but when I added someone to my emby server and they asked if there was a playstation app, I looked into if one was available. From what I recall finding on the emby forums, Sony was basically just not responding to their expressed interest to make a client app for the platform(s). This applied to PS4/5 though, not 3
Also good to know! The only one I have much exposure to has that remote. I’m glad they came to their senses on the remote! I’ll definitely have to grab one when my shield kicks its bucket
It’s a good thing im never late to anything!
Also /s
I agree with you. I don’t want to set myself up to rely strictly on medication, I want to utilize it like a tool and try to find what works best for me. I’ll still have work I have to do regardless to maintain myself. Medication can only do so much. My goals do include reevaluating my current medication, but what I want most is a more defined direction in which I can look to better understand myself. I feel that will ultimately help me more than any medication.
Unfortunately the PlayStations are terrible picks if you run your own Plex or Emby. Sony doesn’t really open up their app space for the developers to provide client apps
yup. My hair is dark and thick, so it soaks up heat from the sun and becomes physically hot during the spring/summer. So I keep it short for half the year and then let it grow more during autumn and winter.