"We Ukrainians know what it means not to wait for what tomorrow will bring, but to fight for every single day, and every year of freedom," President Volodymyr Zelensky said.
we need to send more stuff. the lasers, the raptors, the bombers and helis. the good stuff. for EU and US it’s easy to defend against russia, as we’re not directly attacked. local law enforcement and intelligence should suffice. plus our navy stuff can’t really help UA so we can keep and use that to defend at sea. all the rest can go to UA.
we need to send more stuff. the lasers, the raptors, the bombers and helis. the good stuff. for EU and US it’s easy to defend against russia, as we’re not directly attacked. local law enforcement and intelligence should suffice. plus our navy stuff can’t really help UA so we can keep and use that to defend at sea. all the rest can go to UA.