If they can elect a felon to the white house, so could we.

Edit: Better image, thanks to @[email protected]

  • Voroxpete
    2 months ago

    “Violence has never solved anything, as long as you discount the entirety of human history.”

    Instead of comparing Mangione to Rittenhouse, why not compare him to the health insurance industry?

    Refused coverage kills, IIRC, about 45,000 people a year. Why are those lives less important to you than one CEO? Why is it that you have it in you to condemn Mangione and Rittenhouse, but not Brian Thompson?

    Is it because did not personally kill those people? Is it because the laws of his country don’t consider those deaths murder? If those are your standards you would also have to agree that Hitler was innocent too.

    Your accusations of moral inconsistency fall short, because you do not understand that we are judging purposes, not methods. Killing innocent people is wrong. Killing mass murderers (as Mangione is alleged to have done), when every other option has failed, is entirely reasonable. Unpleasant, but not unjustified.

    It took MLK and Malcolm X to get civil rights. There must always be the offer of the peaceful resolution, but in reality the peaceful resolution is usually ignored until the other side understands that without peace, all that’s left is violence.