Clearly my eyes aren’t* open and I cannot take in external visual stimuli in my dreams, however I experience them similar to the visual experience in my minds eye or imagination or whathaveyou. Similarly I feel like I experience something akin to touch or feel (like the occasional flying or falling dream, or the feel of grass or something).

I don’t recall having anything similar to smell or sound in a dream though (except occasionally hearing a real sound while waking up that wasn’t actually part of the dream) What’s your experience?

  • AbsolutelyNotAVelociraptor
    2 months ago

    I rarely remember my dreams, like very rarely. But I’m pretty sure there is sound in them because there’s a weird thing happening to me: I don’t dream exclusively in my native language, the rare occasions in which I remember a dream, I can tell in which language people were speaking. And I can recall the voices and the sounds happening in them.