Don’t worry, if the judge decides that it was in fact an illegal lottery, the orange guy will pardon him anyway.
I am not a velociraptor
Don’t worry, if the judge decides that it was in fact an illegal lottery, the orange guy will pardon him anyway.
I did. What I said still applies.
If their eyes do that, they might be autistic.
Source: am autistic.
Someone is going to learn the hard way the meaning of the word “Streisand”
I don’t. But that’s a personal choice.
However I think one of the main reasons why some are that attracted to it is because of the “forbidden” nature of the act.
We’re all about to pay for it
My stremio setup begs to differ.
Someone try to convince elmo he can do this, quick!
You can be the first in any statistic if you twist it enough.
A me sembra assurdo. L’unica situazione che mi viene in mente è che la tua prenotazione di tot giorni possa fare che la stanza rimanga occupata per dei giorni che, se tu non la fossi presa, avrebbero usati altre persone che magari restavano più tempo di te.
Per esempio: tu prenoti per stare dal 10 al 15, ma il 12 vai via. Se una persona voleva stare lì dal 12 al 20, non ha scelto quel albergo “per colpa tua” perche la stanza era occupata fino al 15.
A me sembra comunque una follia e un albergo da evitare.
“Navajo people go home!” A trumpist, most probably.
In my work, I’ve learned that when you see a safety measure that looks overkill and that “no one can’t be that stupid” to do what the measure keeps you from doing is because, in fact, someone was that stupid.
BREAKING! Orange christofascist who said would make a christofascist government picks a christofascist for the government!
Io vado in bici a lavoro tutti i giorni e la quantità di volte che ho rischiato un incidente mi ha fatto considerare seriamente comprare una camera tipo gopro da mettere sul casco.
Mi risulta incredibile la quantità di gente che se ne sbatte completamente del codice stradale.
E questo perche sì, manca l’educazione, ma anche i controlli. Non è possibile che in città, un bastardo passi accanto a una pattuglia di polizia, carabinieri o anche vigili urbani con il telefono in mano e non lo fermino.
In Italia, la gente considera il codice stradale un mero suggerimento.
So when the dumb person tries to insert a fork in the plug, they don’t die electrocuted.
Looks to me one of those nose/ear hair trimmers.
“I’m one of them, surely they will spare me as I’m part of the group, right?”
schadenfraude, we’re gonna live of schadenfraude for 4 long years
This might be a thing we’ll see soon enough if Ketamine Karen keeps going the way he’s going. At some point, his products are going to be considered a threat to security
You do understand that fox news is basically trump propaganda at this point, right?
I’m sorry but I can’t trust a source like this one.
I understood it ls in people are discussing if it was a nazi salute or not, maybe some of the meaning inside the word got lost in translation? I’m not a native speaker so it’s a possibility.
I know, right? I wish everyone could experience what us autism enjoyers live with everyday.
Living with autism is so fun that many of us are or have been depressed for long periods, some even considering suicide.