For context: there was a time several years ago where I went 3 days a week doing a lifting routine. I think my heaviest dead lift was maybe 140lbs.
Two kids later, hernia surgery, and a change in position at work that has me sitting way more (used to do solo IT work for multiple buildings, now I have a team and do mostly back end admin work), and I’ve lost all my gains and put on about 20lbs.
Kids are more manageable now solo, and I’m looking to hit the gym every Monday I can.
How do I maximize this time?
Thanks in advance comrades!
I would try a full body workout, with something like 3x bench press, 3x squats, 3x deadlifts and 3x barbell rows. It works most of your body, though to be honest you need to keep your expectations right. You’re not gonna make very significant gains with this little time at the gym. It’s not that you won’t make any gains but what gains you make will come slowly so you can’t get frustrated over lack of progress. Keep at it though.
Losing weight is more of a diet thing than an exercise thing so you could try fasting, cutting out snacks and changing sodas with sugar free sodas to start. Then you could slowly transition into a Whole Foods diet or a temporary keto diet (Keto should never be a permanent thing imo, humans are built to eat a little bit of everything not just fat and meat and there are real health concerns associated with that) while counting calories and fasting too if you want, but I would start with the easy stuff like snacks, sodas and juices (yes juices are bad, they often have more sugar than soda, eat the fruit instead)