Let’s be honest. Most of us in the hobby buy games that we play once or twice or in rare cases, three or four times. In fact, the term “shelf of shame” is a thing, describing games that people have bought but not yet played. The thing is, these games sit there unplayed for months on end and may never see the welcome sight of a table, let alone a board game table. So in this article, I want to look at this a bit further and investigate why we don’t play the same games more than a handful of times.
I feel you. My game club got into Dune Uprising recently and we played dozens of games in a month. You could see the skill level rising so starkly. Looking forward to the Bloodlines expansion!
Yeah, I finished Pandemic Legacy recently and it really seems like a waste. I wish there was more focus on making the games resettable, and not making components single-use.