• Orygin
    1 month ago

    I don’t see how it’s a rebuttal. And in my mind he got the same reaction people would give in “those times” when somebody mentioned that slavery or segregation is bad.
    “Yeah sure the Holocaust was bad but this is whataboutism, it isn’t on topic, we’re not talking about slavery here” has the same vibe as your post.
    Sure I can understand the topic being the USA going fascist mode, but it’s not obvious and the topic of the image is literally “things can be legal and immoral”. Imo (and I hope) that animal rights will be seen some day as the fourth example in this image. Without people getting attention to it, nothing will change. And instead of talking about it, it’s shut down.
    He’s not derailing the entire post, he has posted an opinion that goes in the same direction as the op and he’s being chastised because it doesn’t align with your views.
    If you just want to discuss authoritarianism more than the moral/ethics aspect of it, you’re welcome to. But to say that this doesn’t have its place here is wrong imho.

    Btw sorry for the ad hominem, but it’s grand coming from you when you directly compared the guy to an incel because he expressed an opinion. (Plus that section was clearly sarcastic so if you take offense from this… Well…)