• southsamurai
    1 month ago

    Depends on the source, but I assume you want in store prices. We’re hovering under $5 a dozen currently.

    If you know someone that has their own birds, you’re going to find lower prices on average. One guy near here has a decent sized backyard bird flock and sells around 2 for a dozen, but he sells out fast, particularly right now since birds lay slower in winter.

    I don’t pay anything :)

    We have a pet hen that’s giving us an egg almost every day. She costs less than a dollar dollar a day to feed, and that’s using one of the more expensive brands we have access to, in smaller units than buying in bulk. During warmer weather, she was laying every day, sometimes averaging out to an egg and a half or an egg and a quarter a day (depending on whatever it is that shifts their production).

    But, we could switch to feeding her a cheaper feed, and supplementing with scraps (they already get the scraps, but it’s more on a treat scale now) of veggies and get things under a nickel a day.

    Since if she was a parrot or whatever, we’d still be feeding her a similar amount of food for the joy of her company, I don’t actually consider the eggs as costing anything though. The eggs are just a side benefit to having this sweet, sassy little bird in our lives.

    Since we don’t eat eggs every day, and they last for ages when the cuticle isn’t removed, she’s giving us enough that we never buy any unless we’re doing something for a gathering where we’d need dozens at once.

    Tbh though, we’ve thought of getting a couple more hens for the eggs since we enjoy their company, but it isn’t a real option.

    edit: we country as fuck up in here, right against the Appalachians of the south