I have been busy with studies and getting certified as a network person lately. how are you?

  • AbsolutelyNotAVelociraptor
    1 month ago

    Very tired.

    I work as an automation programmer and that means that usually I have very limited contact with other people. However, there’s a period each year when I have to teach people about the new systems that they have to operate… and boy it’s exhausting to deal with groups of people and talk to them…

    Normally, I get home and have energy to do stuff but these days I get home (same time as usual) and can barely gather the energy to eat something before going in standby mode.

    On the bright side, I managed to gather the courage to tell a couple of trusted colleagues about my DX for the first time ever and it’s so damn freeing to be able to say openly what’s happening instead of just masking.