My 4 year old daughter recently got hooked on Sailor Moon…so I’ve slowly been 3d printing her the Crescent Moon wand. I dont have a multi-color printer so I’ve had to do some 3d modeling work to separate some of the files of a design I found so I can print it correctly in the various colors without the need to paint. It’s almost done, then I’m going to figure out how to make it light up for version 2….
My 4 year old daughter recently got hooked on Sailor Moon…so I’ve slowly been 3d printing her the Crescent Moon wand. I dont have a multi-color printer so I’ve had to do some 3d modeling work to separate some of the files of a design I found so I can print it correctly in the various colors without the need to paint. It’s almost done, then I’m going to figure out how to make it light up for version 2….