Mods are fascists, so I have to reply to replies in an edit
You asked for examples of the things we were saying, I provide examples of the things I’m saying, and now it doesn’t count because there weren’t enough people saying that American transes should get genocided. This is like the definition of moving the goalpost
You need to update your rhetoric. The Democrats have already started talking about how they lost because of their support for trans rights and plan to move away from that. Your line in 2028 is, “If Palestinians and trans people are bound to die, we might as well let the Republicans win and go after bi people too, eh?” But maybe you should start practicing for 2032 and say, “Oh, so if Palestinians, trans people, and bi people are bound to die, we should let the Republicans win and go after lesbians too?”
Or, instead of walking down the list of “then they came for’s,” we could draw a red line and say that if they keep walking down that path, we will make it impossible for them to win. And if enough people do, then they will either have to give in or be replaced.
Thanks. To be honest, that article doesn’t really convey a sense that Democrats are going in that direction. That’s just a few politicians in a large party saying things that they then are made to apologize for which should be a pretty good indicator of what is well-supported by the rest of the party.
Better to let the greater evil win, eh? If some Palestinians are bound to die, better that American transes die too?
*I have literally seen people on Lemmy share this sentiment
Screenshot of now-deleted comment
Mods are fascists, so I have to reply to replies in an edit
You asked for examples of the things we were saying, I provide examples of the things I’m saying, and now it doesn’t count because there weren’t enough people saying that American transes should get genocided. This is like the definition of moving the goalpost
You need to update your rhetoric. The Democrats have already started talking about how they lost because of their support for trans rights and plan to move away from that. Your line in 2028 is, “If Palestinians and trans people are bound to die, we might as well let the Republicans win and go after bi people too, eh?” But maybe you should start practicing for 2032 and say, “Oh, so if Palestinians, trans people, and bi people are bound to die, we should let the Republicans win and go after lesbians too?”
Or, instead of walking down the list of “then they came for’s,” we could draw a red line and say that if they keep walking down that path, we will make it impossible for them to win. And if enough people do, then they will either have to give in or be replaced.
Edit: You posted two removed comments that nobody upvoted lol. Reminds me of that Bloomberg ad about random Twitter users saying mean things lol.
Sources for Democrats saying they lost because of their support for trans rights please?
NBC - Some Democrats blame party’s position on transgender rights in part for Harris’ loss
Thanks. To be honest, that article doesn’t really convey a sense that Democrats are going in that direction. That’s just a few politicians in a large party saying things that they then are made to apologize for which should be a pretty good indicator of what is well-supported by the rest of the party.