So I’ve run my own show for just about ten years now. We’ve never had ads or sponsorships of any kind other than a Patreon plug at the very end.

When I go out into the world and listen to other podcasts I’m perpetually annoyed at the lengthy, frequent ad-breaks. I don’t mind being reminded to engage or click on their link or go to a show’s Ko-Fi page, but a two minute dollar shave club or AG1 ad is just too much. And, honestly, the amount of advertising dollars some shows take makes me question their integrity just a bit. I know it might be a bit old-fashioned to think that, but I can’t help it.

What are you favorite sponsorship-free, ad-free podcasts?

  • AppearanceBoring9229
    1 month ago

    Geeknights - 2 geeks talking about geeky stuff which is not just 1 but 3 different shows.

    Ludology - talks about boardgame design

    Self-hosted podcast - this one has a couple ads but all related to the tech and usually includes discounts

    Darknet diaries- I think this has a bit of ads but can’t remember right now

    Hackaday - news about random stuff and cool projects

    Just remembered people make games, but it’s for patreon only