• Final Remix
    611 months ago

    Honey, it was already ruined when they gave money support fascists.

    • @[email protected]
      -1411 months ago

      Damn you can really tell the difference between the sheltered people screaming about police being fascists from the people who have actually had to call the cops to resolve a shitty situation. Go for it Margret, color in those car stickers to bring down the fascists.

      • @[email protected]
        711 months ago

        Hey, I’m one of those people that have had to call the cops to resolve a shitty situation (someone actively breaking into my house), and guess what? They did absolutely fuck all other than come by 2 days later to take some notes.

        But when I was homeless and tried to sleep somewhere safe from the rain they were very quick about forcibly removing me and threatening me with a trespass charge.

        So fuck fascist cops and doubly fuck losers like you that only exist to link boots. You genuinely disgust me.

      • Final Remix
        711 months ago

        I never said it would “bring down the fascists”, I said nothing of value would be lost. Watch your reading comprehension there, friend.

        And the last time I needed help from a cop, it was a hit and run, and I was told to fuck off and stop wasting everyone’s time because I was uninjured.

        • @[email protected]
          -1011 months ago

          Ah, well I guess we’ll just throw the implication out then since you didn’t state it directly.

          We got into anecdotes pretty quick. The last time I called the police some psycho with a gun was brandishing it in a park and was promptly arrested. So which one of us wins?

            • @[email protected]
              -411 months ago

              “Everyone to the right of me is a right-winger”’ I’ve been voting blue since I was allowed to vote, I’m just not a fucking extremist that thinks we need anarchy and to burn down target to enact change.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        NEWS FLASH: You can utilize a public service and still think it’s shitty and in need of reform!!!

        Wow! Did your brain just grow? If not, read it again! Repeat until not stupid.

        • @[email protected]
          -411 months ago

          Holy fuck how old are you to be unironically saying “News Flash” to people? You are a prime example how both sides have the most moronic extremists who just disregard logic.

          Advocating for police to be defunded/abolished is akin to advocating for Anarchy as there will be nobody to enforce laws. Following me so far? If you’re advocating for Anarchy you can’t in the same breath claim you also want reform because there’ll be nothing fucking left to reform, duncecap. Go sit in a dark room and think about how dogshit your takes are please. Repeat until not stupid.